Joan Scheduler

Joan Devices allow users to schedule a time to use a room. Below are a few guides on how to use the Joan Schedulers.

  1. Reserve the room now
  2. Reserve the room later
  3. See the room’s schedule
  4. Stop room reservation
  • NOTE: If the Joan Scheduler does not say Free, then do not follow the steps below. Instead, follow the steps for Reserve The Room Later
  • If the Joan Scheduler says Free, then press the Meet Now button:
  • Nd 2302 ec0M conf Roc,m 230„_ 

    • The Joan Scheduler will now say Booked. (Note: The default amount of time you reserve for the room by pressing Meet Now is 1 hour).
    • рэноод  
    • You have successfully reserved a room.
    • Press the Meet Later button:

    • NC STATE 
Doole College Of 
NO-2302-PCOM conf Room 230... 
    • You will be presented with a menu to choose a meeting time. You will first choose what day you want to reserve the room. The default day is the current day. Press the Up and Down arrow buttons to choose a different day.

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    • Then, press on the starting time
    • Then, press on the ending time
    • Below is an example of what the screen would look like after setting the day and time. If you want to change the meeting time, then press the ending and starting time you pressed on to go back to the selection menu. Otherwise, press the check mark once you are ready to create the meeting

    • 1. sTART TIME 
4 PM 
Fri, Nov 17 
start time 
@ joan

    • You will be taken back to the main screen. If the reservation time is the next one that will occur, then you will see it like in the image below:

    • NC STATE 
College of 
N-2-2302-PCOM Conf Room 
Until 2:37 PM 
Next meeting 
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM 

    • You have successfully reserved a room.
    • Press the Timetable button.
    • You will see a time table like the one below.
    • 12:00 Рм 
1:00 рм 
3:30 Рм 
5:30 ем 
Мот, Nov 20 
пли. Nov 23 
[Д) јоап
    • If the Up and Down arrow buttons are grayed out, then there are no more time reservations to view other than the ones that appear on the screen.
    • If the Up and Down arrow buttons are not grayed out, then you can press on them to view the reservation times that have been reserved.
    • If you reserved a time that is currently happening, please press on the X button that is appears like in the image below:

    • If you reserved a time that has not happened yet but appears on the screen as a later meeting, please press on the X button that is appears like in the image below:

    • You will then a screen like the one below:

    • The message prompt will look different depending on whether you are ending a meeting that is currently occurring or not. Do not worry, the instructions apply for ending both types of meetings.
    • If you are sure that you want to end the meeting, please press on the check mark. If you do not want to end the meeting, press on the X button.
    • You have successfully ended a meeting.