Instructions for accessing Poole College AWS AppStream
- Access to AWS Appstream is restricted to specific courses; Faculty must request access to the software installed in the Poole College AWS Appstream before the start of each semester.
- We currently have three environments to choose from. You can review the applications that are available in each environment here.
- Once access has been granted, follow the instructions below.
- Make sure your browser is updated to the latest version
- Information for updating Chrome:
- Information for updating Firefox:
- Make sure your browser is updated to the latest version
- Close all other tabs while using AWS AppStream
- Make sure you are connected to a stable and fast network
- Go to the following URL and authenticate with your UnityID and password: (
Once you have selected the environment, choose one of the listed applications so AWS Appstream can prepare the environment and fully load the application; this happens each time you establish a new connection. Preparing the environment may take up to two minutes.

- Once the environment loads, the application you selected will launch automatically.
- As seen below, you can launch other applications and switch between them using the Launch App and Switch Window icons.
- Launch App
- Switch Window
- Launch App
- Once you have completed a session, please sign out entirely by selecting the End Session icon
located in the top right corner of your screen.
Connecting to Google Drive or One Drive Storage for Saving Data
- Select the ” My Files”
icon on the screen in the upper left menu.
- Select Add Storage on the upper right of the window.
- Select Google Drive or OneDrive, followed by the option.
- You will be prompted to authenticate using the NCSU Shibboleth login.
- Once your storage is connected, you will see folders like the following.