IT Hardware and Software Purchasing Policy

SOP: Process and Guidelines for requesting IT-related hardware and software purchases (as of August. 27, 2024)

  1. It is NOT permissible to use any university funds (state, departmental, startup, or granting agencies’)  to purchase licenses for installation on a non-NCSU/Poole College-owned computer unless explicitly stated in the End User License Agreement (EULA).
  2. All software utilizing an NCSU login or email address (this includes any FREE software or the testing of any software for a trial purpose) must have prior approval from the IT team before purchasing, installing, setting up, and using software on an NCSU/Poole college-owned device, including web-based software (SAAS) (See the steps below for the approval process).
  3. The IT team must review and approve all software purchases (including any renewals and previously approved IT purchases that have added AI capabilities) and requests for reimbursements for software purchases, regardless of previous approvals per the updated regulations, to ensure compliance with University standards and follow Federal and State guidelines.

All software requests must be submitted via this request form. This form is required for ALL software (REGARDLESS OF PRICE) for RECURRING and NEW software requests.

  • All software used for university business requiring an NCSU login for free use/trial, monthly subscription, annual renewal, purchase, or web-based login must have prior approval from the IT team before use.
  • Prior academic semesters/year requests must be reconfirmed and re-approved.  
    • The IT team will ensure all NCSU processes and guidelines are followed, including submitting requests for ClickWrap and ITPC reviews for approvals.
    • New Software requests for installation in one of our two virtualized environments will need a minimum of 6 weeks’ notice to allow ample time to purchase the licenses, the configuration, test, and evaluation).
    • The IT team will work with the department manager, department head, and Associate Dean for Faculty and Research on software approvals.

All software requiring an NCSU login for free use/trial, monthly subscription, annual renewal, purchase, web-based login, or installation on an NCSU Poole college-owned device must have prior approval from the IT team before purchase or reimbursement.

  1. Submit software requests via the online request form for approval before use or installation (this includes signing up for free trial accounts). 
  2. Once submitted, a ServiceNow ticket will be created to track the progress of the request. 
  3. Four weeks’ notice is required to allow ample time for approval and purchasing (some vendors may take longer). 
  4. The IT team will ensure all NCSU processes and guidelines are followed, including submitting requests for ClickWrap and ITPC reviews for approvals. 
  5. Once all approvals have been received, the ServiceNow Ticket will be updated. The IT team will work with department managers, department heads, and the Associate Dean for Faculty and Research to approve funding software requests.
  6. The ServiceNow Ticket will be updated and forwarded to the Finance team for purchase upon funding approval. 

Software currently approved for purchase and use for Poole College can be viewed here.

Software currently approved and available from NC State University can be viewed here

  • Purchasing software with personal funds to be installed on NCSU/Poole college-owned devices is NOT permissible for legal and compliance reasons. However, in specific cases such as Adobe, where users can log in to a non-NCSU account online (personal) via their university-owned computer, there are no restrictions provided that no software is installed or updated on the NCSU/Poole college-owned device.

All IT hardware-related purchases must be processed through the Poole IT department using the online request form.

  1. All purchases of desktops and laptops are required to be selected from standardized CPI configurations.
  2. The MarketPlace e-procurement system must be used for all IT hardware purchases.
  3. No purchase orders (POs), vouchers, or campus Pcards can be used to purchase IT hardware, computers, or peripherals.
  4. Purchases must be selected from the UNC-approved list of vendors and products.